Sinus lift with bone graft
Vigent fins a:2025-02-27
Aquesta promoció estarà vigent entre les dates 2024-09-27 i 2025-02-27
990 €
Surgical technique that is carried out in dental implantology in patients who lack bone mass in the upper arch.
The treatment tries to increase the amount of bone available so that the dental implants hold better. In this way, the replacement of dental pieces in the posterior area of the upper jaw is possible.
Preoperative tests (Orthopantomography and analysis of complementary tests if required)
Bone graft and collagen membrane
Postoperative tests and controls
CT if required
Dental implants
Minimum financing of 25€ fee per month. Call us or visit our clinic for more information
Booking this service includes the first visit and does not commit you to the treatment
After visiting the doctor, to whom you can ask all the questions you want, freely decide if you want to continue with the treatment
We recommend that you process your reservation within the next 15 days to accommodate the date that suits you best
08014, Barcelona (Veure al mapa)
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